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Writer's picturePastor AJ

You Have a MANDATE šŸ’Ŗ

ā€œThen the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to CULTIVATE it and tend it.ā€ Genesis 2:15

Friends ā€¦. I want you to think about something today. Itā€™s the powerful truth that you have a MANDATE!!


Let that settle in for a moment.

But hereā€™s the thing, your mandate is NOT dependent on an election. It came from God all the way back in the beginning. And this mandate stems from our opening verse also known as the CULTURAL MANDATE that was later expressed by Jesus through his command to disciple the nations. Now stop and think again.

You see, much more than being farmers, the Cultural Mandate tells us that we are to define CULTURE and SOCIETY.

What this means is that you have POWER and RESPONSIBILITY as a human being, made in Godā€™s image, born again by his Holy Spirit, to CREATE a world that glorifies Godā€™s Son Jesus.

I think youā€™re getting it now. Certainly, our power is connected to elections in a civilization that has been shaped by Biblical Christianity. Yet itā€™s NOT defined by it.

And thatā€™s because YOU have Godā€™s power to tear down the Devilā€™s strongholds in your community, your family and your country.


What will you do with your responsibility? Your participation in your church and in your world is more important NOW than ever before and YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE because God has given you his MANDATE!


Do you think Christians should be involved in the world around them?

What does Godā€™s MANDATE mean to you?

How can you make a difference in your world for Jesus?

Watch my new video on the TRUE LOCATION of Mount Sinai to see INCREDIBLE evidence for the Bible ā€¦ linked šŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡

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