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😱 Widespread Evolutionary 🐵 FRAUD! 🧐

“For the time will come when people … to suit their own desires … They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to MYTHS.” 2 Timothy 4:3-4


WOW friends, I have the story of the century for you today and here it is: Widespread FRAUD in the evolutionary community 😳


You heard me right! And that’s why you CAN’T MISS my new video featuring Dr. Carl Werner’s investigation of evolutionary ape-men “fossils.” To WATCH it now just keep scrolling and click the link 👇


So here’s the deal, evolution has been overturned BY ITSELF! Yikes! 😬 That’s right, and you can see in my new video how those “missing links” are ALL, well, FAKES!


In fact, I was literally BLOWN AWAY as Dr. Carl chronicled the culture of deception on the part of the “scientific” community to present scant and questionable evidence as “proof” for their wild claims about the origins of life on earth.


In reality, we know the truth. They’ve perpetuated these claims because apparently believing we care from animals means that we can behave like them. That’s what Paul told Timothy.


Could it be that evolution is just such a “myth” of modern times?? 🤔 Click below to see for yourself, but make sure you also share this information so that others can see the TRUTH and we can begin to bring our culture back from the brink of insanity 🙏 



Do you believe in evolution? Why or why not? Are you open to looking at the information I present in my new video?


How could a young earth Biblical understanding of creation be instrumental in the culture?


Watch my interview with Dr. Carl Werner (linked below) and discuss your thoughts about his work with someone else!



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©2023 by AJ Platt

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