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đŸ€” What is TOTAL DEPRAVITY? đŸ’©


“The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” Genesis 6:5


Friends, I’ve got a question for you today: Have you ever thought about your own sinfulness? I know 
 this is a very DARK way to start off my message this week 😂 but SERIOUSLY. Have you ever considered HOW you come to know God?


If you’ve never heard the term before, there is a phrase that very accurately explains our condition APART from Jesus’ saving work in our lives. It’s TOTAL DEPRAVITY 😬


If you’d like to learn more, you’ve GOT TO WATCH my new video on the subject linked 👇👇👇 where I not only cover the Biblical side of this doctrine, but also its existence in the Apostolic Fathers. Total depravity clarifies the doctrine of original sin described historically by people like Saint Augustine, who believed that people are BORN sinners and it comes from statements like that of David when he declared he was “sinful from conception” (Psalm 51:5).


Total depravity then takes things a step further by explaining that, apart from God, our sinful nature affects the WHOLE of our person (see Genesis 6:5 above) AND makes us literally UNABLE to start the salvation process without God’s help through being born again. In the words of Paul, the natural man “CANNOT” understand the things of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:14). This specific part of total depravity is often referred to as TOTAL INABILITY.


My point in sharing this with you this morning is to make you EXTRA thankful today for your salvation. I mean, just stop and think about it for a moment. God chose to save you when you couldn’t choose him. Amazing, right?! On top of that, God’s SOVEREIGN work in this process should ENCOURAGE you about who’s really doing the work of salvation when you preach the Gospel to others. It’s Jesus, from start to finish! Praise the Lord!!



Do you agree with the idea that people are BORN with a sin nature?


How might understanding the idea of total depravity impact the way you share the Gospel?


What do you think is the role of the Holy Spirit in changing someone’s heart to know Christ?



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