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🙏 Pray for America Today! 🇺🇸

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”


Hi friends and happy Fourth of July in the United States! I wanted to take a quick minute today to remind you of the deep Christian heritage our country has enjoyed historically. In fact, there is no doubt that it is because of our SPIRITUAL roots that God has blessed us so abundantly.


As you know, this solid foundation has been increasingly under ATTACK in recent times and if you’re not sure how just watch one of the videos I’ve linked below 👇  AND I’d like to ask you to PRAY 🙏 today for America along with me as you celebrate this holiday with your family and friends!


Also, don’t forget the many sacrifices our forbearers made to give us the religious freedoms we’ve enjoyed. They stand as an AWESOME example of how we might consider to serve our communities and nation in the same way they did. In doing so we will continue to make our nation a great place for our kids and grandkids to enjoy! 💪


May god richly bless you and your families now and always and may the Lord Jesus continue to bless the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as his chosen possession!


Pastor AJ  




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