“A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code.” Romans 2:28-29 NIV
Hello friends! I’ve got a piece of information for you today about WHO YOU ARE and I bet you’re going to be surprised by this! Did you know that you’re JEWISH! I know, mind blown right?! I’ll tell you even more about this INCREDIBLE truth in two of this week’s short videos linked below. You won’t want to miss out on this. Think about it. From the time of your youth you’ve been told about your family tree and to WHOM you’re related. Maybe your ancestors hail from Italy, Japan or South Africa. What you may not know is that your SPIRITUAL ancestry runs through only ONE people group and it’s just as REAL as your actual biological DNA. Like Paul said in the scripture we began with, your circumcision is “of the heart, by the Spirit.” What that means is that you’ve been born SPIRITUALLY because of your faith in God’s Servant Jesus. Metaphorically, Paul refers to this “new birth” as “circumcision of the heart.” In terms of symbolism, that’s what Old Covenant circumcision always represented. It was a statement that said, “I’m one of God’s people. I’m part of Israel. I’m Jewish.” When Jesus came he gave us a New Covenant executed through BAPTISM that symbolizes the same thing. So there you have it, if you’ve been baptized, if you’re a Christian God’s made you “Jewish” in your heart and a permanent member of God’s people so welcome to the family!!
Did you realize that your identification with Jesus makes you “Jewish” in your heart?
How does it make you feel to be born again and included in God’s family?
Find someone this week you can invite to join our family by sharing the Gospel of salvation by faith with them!