“You shall not kill.” Exodus 20:13
Hello friends and UGH 😩 … If you’re a committed Christian living in the state of Ohio (or elsewhere), you got a dose of reality this week with our state passing a radical “amendment” to the state constitution, thus, paving the way for unrestricted abortions, gender ideology in supposedly “public” schools, state rule of our children and, as if that weren’t enough, the legalization of marijuana. Did I miss anything??
Before I go any further, I’d like to say thank you to so many churches and pastors who took a stand on this issue! Your efforts will not go unnoticed by our Lord of “life.” It’s because of his life that we and other Christians throughout history have fought for cultural transformation. Historically, the church has ALWAYS won and we will win this fight just like our spiritual ancestors did. So don’t quit!
And if you’re discouraged by these latest events in our culture, don’t forget that GOD’S LAW WAS NOT AMENDED when he said, “You shall not kill.” Abortion, by definition, is the termination of a human life and the only legal form of murder in our culture – a culture that will not experience God’s blessings WITHOUT honoring his most basic commands. So, I’m challenging the church today to not just preach the Gospel, but to continue to work to see a culture that has been transformed by it. After all that is the point of our preaching, right??
In addition, don’t forget the HUGE percentage of people who voted the same way we did. In other words, we’re not alone. In fact, we’re probably one good leader away from total victory in our communities. So, keep fighting for your world with the weapons of God and watch him do the work!
If you haven’t already seen my latest video exposing abortion as the biggest moral failure of our generation, follow the link below 👇👇👇 then consider how you can join the fight for the next generation AND for the generation of the unborn 🙏
Why do you think it’s important for Christians to fight for culture?
What’s one area of culture you would like to see transformed by God’s love?
What small step of faith can you take to bring God’s blessings to your community?